PETROL: There is no smart city without sustainable solutions

Andrej Bergant, Executive Director of Energy and Environmental Solutions

NEOM: A global living lab for the future of mobility

Florian Lennert, Head of Urban Development and Mobility

AIRBUS: Driving the Sustainable Transition of Urban Mobility to the Third Dimension

Vassilis Agouridas, PhD, Head of EU Public Co-Creation & Ecosystem Outreach

Smart cities (round table) with Petrol, Neom and Airbus

What are the challenges of cities of the future? Cities are under increasing pressure – how to ensure a high quality of life, attract or retain citizens in cities, compete with other cities, and ensure the sustainable use of resources, space, infrastructure, and services.

A1 DIGITAL: Advance Planning Solutions in Logistics and how IoT Creates Business Value

Francis Cepero, Director of Vertical Market Solutions

CARGO-PARTNER: … and the world keeps rolling. New Logistics Solutions for Today’s Challenges

Managing Director, cargo-partner Slovenia

LUFTHANSA SYSTEMS: 3 major trends shaping future city logistics

Erin Beilharz, Consultant digital project & transformation

Logistics and smart factories (round table) with cargo-partner, A1, and Lufthansa Systems

How are companies coping with changes in logistics, smart workspaces, and factories? The fourth industrial revolution brings many technological, economic, organizational, and social changes that radically changed production and logistics.

ZAVAROVALNICA TRIGLAV: Keeping up with accelerations of modern mobility

Jaka Klement, Director of motor vehicle insurance department

URBAN-X: Reimagining city life

Sarah Schappert, Director for URBAN-X (Europe)

MERCEDES-BENZ: The rise of smart cars, fireside chat

Guy Harpak, Head Of Technology at Mercedes-Benz Research & Development Tel-Aviv

SONY PICTURES: In-car Entertainment

Joseph Perry, Director, New Media Distribution – Automotive

Smart cars (round table) with Urban-X by Mini, Mercedes-Benz, and Zavarovalnica Triglav

How smart and autonomous can a car get? Vehicles are no longer perceived as just a means of transportation. They are becoming more and more like a smartphone, improving the overall travel experience. This offers new opportunities for players entering applications and services.

SLOVENSKE ŽELEZNICE: New trains and micromobility

Darja Kocjan, MSc, Director of Slovenian Railways – Passenger Transport

UBER: Driving the future of shared mobility

Mark Boris Andrijanič, Head of Public Policy

GOTO: Multimodality – the new way to move

Shirly Kalush, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO)

VIA: Partnerships in MaaS and Integrated Mobility Systems

Victoria Markewitz, Business Development Principal

Mobility as a Service (round table) with GoTo, Via, and Slovenske železnice

The future of mobility – pay-as-you-go or subscription? Today, we can rent almost any means of transport over the phone, rent or use our means of transport when we do not need it, buy a ticket, order a ride or join an existing one.

RENAULT NISSAN: From new mobility to new competences

François Delion, Managing Director, Renault Nissan Adriatic

TWAICE: Take Control of the Battery Lifecycle with Analytics

Lennart Hinrichs, Commercial Director

MOBILIZE by GROUPE RENAULT: Mobilize, Beyond Automotive

Jean-Christophe Labarre, Innovation & Partnerships Strategy Director

ROLLS-ROYCE: Powering Urban and Regional Air Mobility

Stefan Breunig, PhD, Head of Strategy

E-mobility (round table) with Groupe Renault, Rolls Royce, Twaice, and Petrol

How will platforms integrate existing energy networks with new e-charging business models? Transition to e-mobility is not just about launching new vehicles with state-of-the-art technology. It requires well-educated employees and an excellent charging infrastructure that will be integrated with existing energy networks, energy storage facilities, and domestic power plants. E-mobility also promotes a sustainable ecosystem and develops new services through flexible mobility and energy solutions.

Whole Day 1 and Day 2 videos

8-9 June 2021

City as a Lab Summit: Mobility 2020

A playlist of all 2020 videos.