E-mobility (round table) with Groupe Renault, Rolls Royce, Twaice, and Petrol
How will platforms integrate existing energy networks with new e-charging business models? Transition to e-mobility is not just about launching new vehicles with state-of-the-art technology. It requires well-educated employees and an excellent charging infrastructure that will be integrated with existing energy networks, energy storage facilities, and domestic power plants. E-mobility also promotes a sustainable ecosystem and develops new services through flexible mobility and energy solutions.
MOBILIZE by GROUPE RENAULT: Mobilize, Beyond Automotive
Jean-Christophe Labarre, Innovation & Partnerships Strategy Director
RENAULT NISSAN: From new mobility to new competences
François Delion, Managing Director, Renault Nissan Adriatic
Mobility as a Service (round table) with GoTo, Via, and Slovenske železnice
The future of mobility – pay-as-you-go or subscription? Today, we can rent almost any means of transport over the phone, rent or use our means of transport when we do not need it, buy a ticket, order a ride or join an existing one.
VIA: Partnerships in MaaS and Integrated Mobility Systems
Victoria Markewitz, Business Development Principal
SLOVENSKE ŽELEZNICE: New trains and micromobility
Darja Kocjan, MSc, Director of Slovenian Railways – Passenger Transport